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JDO is proud to serve 87 partner schools in 30 countries around the world!

JDO Partners with schools on an annual basis but our connection is forever........

hero image Bangladesh

hero image Brazil

hero image Canada

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*Holy Family Catholic School Ontario, Canada

hero image Croatia

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Osnovna Skola Glina Glina, Croatia

hero image England

hero image Finland

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Myllyojan koulu/ Singinsuu Koulu Oulu, Finland
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Tupoksen Yhtenaiskoulu Tupos, Finland

hero image Greece

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4th Primary School Lamia, Greece

hero image India

hero image Ireland

hero image Iceland

hero image Kenya

hero image Macedonia

hero image Northern Ireland

hero image Portugal

hero image Spain

hero image Sweden

hero image Sri Lanka

hero image Uganda

hero image Wales

hero image United States

Special Projects