The JDO Global Partnership Program offers two avenues for program participation:
1. Full Partnership Program Participation- Open to schools demonstrating 50 mbps of
upload bandwidth capacity and the successful approval of teacher applicants.
2. Modified Partnership Program Participation- Open to schools demonstrating 10-50 mbps
of upload bandwidth capacity and the successful approval of teacher applicants.
Schools/Teachers approved for this type of partnership will have modified training and
participation expectations. These will be determined and communicated upon evaluation
and approval.
Full Partnership School Commitments:
1. Program Term: School will make a three-year commitment to program participation.
2. Bandwidth: School will ensure a minimum upload bandwidth of 50mbps. This bandwidth is
essential for effective online communication between international partner classes.
3. Student Gmail Accounts: School will approve the formation and use of student gmail
accounts. These can be student accounts on the School G-Suite domain, or JDO can assist
in this email formation. A JDO Parental Release Form for Emails is available for
modification and use by school if needed.
Full Partnership Teacher Commitments:
1. Program Term-Teachers sign a 1-year term (at minimum) agreement for program
participation. JDO welcomes and encourages continued teacher participation for the full
three-year school partnership.
2. Professional Development- Teachers complete two (2 hour) JDO Professional Development
modules prior to device deployment/partner pairing. These modules (Digital Citizenship
and Student Collaboration) are available online for self-paced completion. Teachers are
also guided in becoming proficient utilizing Google Tools, Google Classroom, and Google
Hangout meet. Additional training is available upon request.
3. Curriculum Planning- Teachers complete annual curriculum planning with partner teacher
and JDO Coach to identify topics conducive to student communication and collaboration.
4. JDO Coach Communication- Teachers share partner collaboration activities with their
JDO Coach on a monthly basis. Collaborative activities/projects can cover more than one
5. Partner Communication- Partner teachers ensure weekly communication among students.